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Take vehicle recovery seriously

While we don't know the full details of this tragic event, accidents while recovering vehicles are not uncommon. We took the Over Oz cruiser up the beach from Bangalee to Corio Bay and it is very deceptive. You first steps in sand recovery should be tyre pressure and MAXTRAX. Stay safe out there.

Corio Bay North of Yeppoon

Man killed by snapped strap while trying to tow mate on beach

Jorge Branco

Published: June 16 2017 - 7:13AM

A man has died in a freak towing accident while trying to drag free his mate's bogged car on a central Queensland beach.

Police said the 26-year-old Yeppoon man died at the scene after a tow rope snapped, smashing through his back window and hitting him in the head.

He had been trying to tow a friend's car after it got stuck in the sand on a steep gradient near the entrance to Farnborough Beach at Bangalee, near Yeppoon, a police spokeswoman said.

No one else was injured in the accident, about 5.15pm on Thursday.

Police investigations will continue, with a report to be prepared for the coroner.

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