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Yowah - A town with no pub!

I dropped into Yowah, an outback Queensland opal mining town on the Western edge the Paroo Shire. A dusty 150 ks Nor-east of Thargomindah. After a few days in the swag, the hot artesian spar was most welcoming, as were the hardworking locals. Happy for chat on the front veranda, they told me how plans for Yowah Pub were abandoned when they learnt a cop would come the pub “and nobody needs a cop out here, after all it’s only an hour an half to the Eulo Queen."

Just outside town is the Yowah Bluff where you can get a real sense of just where on earth you are.

I recommend you make the detour , spend some time fossicking for opals, meeting the locals and exploring the Bluff.

Photos Jim Upton OverOz

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