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1960's Big Lap - The Nullarbor to Albany

16,618 miles in an unbreakable 1962 EK Holden towing a 15' Van. The bitumen at Caiguna was a welcome sight and the journey from there to Norseman was good. South from Norseman to Esperance where, after despatching our smelly companions, we spent a few days in search of the almost mythical Bull Ant, ‘Nothomyrmecia’, having been promised just about everything (except a knighthood) should we find it!

We were not born to be famous so headed west across miles and miles of wheat country through such towns as Jerramungup, Neddilup, Ongerup and many more 'ups', denoting that the Aborigines who named them found water there. Out of the wheat belt and over the Stirling Range to Albany with its enormous natural harbour.

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