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1960s Big Lap - Nullarbor after the rain.

16,618 miles in an unbreakable 1962 EK Holden towing a 15' Viscount Van with Mum, Dad and three little ones on board. The trip was hampered by cyclones, extreme heat (no aircon in those days!) major floods and plenty of bull dust.

The Nullarbor had just had 4 inches of rain and had become green again. The dam at 'Balladonia Station' was now full in contrast to just a couple of weeks before.

So the road was now quite a different proposition. Now impassable for trucks and semi-trailers.

In one day we managed to do about 100 miles in over 10 hours driving with a petrol consumption of 12 m.p.g.; however, we made it without getting bogged which is more than some semi-trailers had done. An offer of 2½ tons of margarine nine days after it had become hopelessly bogged was declined.

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