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Cracow - Central Queensland

I’ve been stopping in at The Cracow Pub in Central Queensland for the past 20 Years. Fred Brophy has run Rodeos, B&S’s and of course his Famous Fourth Generation Boxing Troupe (Tent Boxing) since 1999 at Cracow.

The Troupe was back in town this weekend and Cracow did not let us down. It was a full house with all ages, all sizes and from all over that had made the pilgrimage.

There are plenty of camping options and first rate tucka available at the pub.

The turnaround in the country side since my last visit is unbelievable. The brown desolate hills have been transformed into a green oasis. The Dawson River was still in flood.

If you can, it’s certainly a great time visit Central Queensland. I am also happy to report that there was plenty of loo paper in all towns along the way.

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